PheonixNET Daily Events Data


The daily events data networks are constructed using the phoenixNet package in R, created by SPINS collaborator, Jesse Hammond. These data rely on the public release of the ICEWS data for events occurring between 01/01/1995 through 10/31/2017. For events occurring from June 2014 through the present, we hope to also utilize the Phoenix daily data sets created and released through the Open Event Data Project. Future iterations of these data will include the Phoenix daily events data. Note that this means there will be some time periods where events will be constructed using both Phoenix and ICEWS; in these cases, event records are de-duplicated. For more information about pheonixNet, click here.


Annualized Cooperative and Conflictual Events Networks – These data represent annual event counts of the Pentaclass event codes for all countries in the world, compiled by ICEWS. While the data is annualized, it is compiled daily and will be updated here as frequently as possible. For users interested in compiling the data themselves to create networks at lower levels of temporal aggregation or less aggregated event classes, see the phoenixNET package mentioned above on Github for more details. Last update March 2017.

Data Read Me File

Annual Data Files