Militarized Interstate Disputes (MIDs)


The Militarized Interstate Dispute (MID) folder contains several datasets. Each dataset has a matrix format and a dyadic format. The data are derived from the dyadic MID dataset ( In any paper or publication that utilize this data set, users are ask to give the version number and cite the article of record for the data set as follows:  Zeev Maoz, Paul L. Johnson, Jasper Kaplan, Fiona Ogunkoya, and Aaron P. Shreve 2018. The Dyadic Militarized Interstate Disputes (MIDs) Dataset (Version 3.0): Logic, Characteristics, and Comparison to Alternative Datasets. Journal of Conflict Resolution¸63(3): 811-835.

Citation of definitions and description of the dataset are as follows:

Gochman, Charles S., and Zeev Maoz. 1984. “Militarized Interstate Disputes, 1816-1976: Procedures, Patterns, Insights.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 29 (4):585-615

Goshn Faten, Glenn Palmer, and Stuart A Bremer 2004. The MID3 Dataset 1993-2001: Procedures, Coding Rules, and Description. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 21(2): 133-154.

MIDs Data:

  1. Undirected MIDs (dyadic)
  2. Undirected MIDs (matrix)
  3. Directed MIDs (dyadic)
  4. Directed MIDs (matrix)

Hostility Scores Data: The hostility scale was developed by Zeev Maoz (1982). Paths to Conflict: Interstate Dispute Initiation, 1816-1976. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. The scores range from zero (no MID) to 100 (interstate war).

  1. Hostility Scores (dyadic)
  2. Hostility Scores (matrix)


  1. MIDs Network Codebook